Curriculum choices to get you started
It was the springtime before our oldest son was going to be starting school. Somehow I had learned about homeschooling. Read Our Homeschool Journey.
I was very excited to get started and God led my husband and I to people that would help us on our way.
If you are considering homeschooling and want to know how to get started read. Ready to begin homeschooling? Steps to get you started.
When I started homeschooling over twenty years ago. There were so many curriculums and resources. It was hard to decide on which one to use.
Companies held local curriculum book fairs where you could go check out books and curriculums before purchasing them.
There were so many educational resources to choose from that looked fun and exciting, you were sure you would use them all in your homeschool classroom.
My advice, woe, slow down, and breathe.
Yes, it’s ok to be passionate about schooling your kids or maybe a little scared and overwhelmed at taking on your kids’ education.
After all, who will teach your kids to read if they haven’t started school? Or who will teach Algebra when that time comes?
Even so, trust me you can do it. I have had all those thoughts at one time or another along the way.
I know I could not have done it without God leading me and bringing people on my path that would encourage me and give me direction. Therefore, in your trust of God, he knows what’s best for your children. He will lead you on your own journey to school your kids. Also, he will equip you with the resources and help you will need for the road ahead. He is our greatest source and strength.
When considering the many curriculum options today. You need to consider your budget, what kind of learning method works best for your children, and what you want to get from a program (such as if you want if to be with a Christian foundation or not). Those things were very important to our family.
Of course, you might think. I’m not sure what program will work best for my kids. Often, you will start with one curriculum and may change to another as you homeschool from year to year.
Reasons that you may choose to switch programs could be many reasons.
I have switched programs sometimes because of my budget that year or because that program is not working for us.
For example, I have used a particular curriculum in math for years. It does a great job in the younger grades however when the kids reach middle and high school. It’s not as effective at explaining the content in a way the kids can understand.
I put them on another math program as they got in higher grades.
As you homeschool your children, you will see what is working and what is not working for your child.
It can vary from child to child and how they learn.
Some may like textbooks best and other children may like the convenience of having classes over the computer via software or the internet.
These are some of the curriculums that we have used over the years.
Abeka offers a Christian foundation program.
Their curriculum is used in Christian schools as well as, they offer a homeschool program.
I enjoy using Abeka for reading and phonics. They have a strong reading program, and it has been my choice of curriculum for reading from the beginning of my homeschool endeavors.
They offer learning from Preschool-12th grade. Abeka uses textbook learning in addition to their video lessons.
Abeka’s program is extensive and very well put together. Therefore, many children thrive on the fast-paced program and will get a good education from this tried-and-true curriculum.
However, because it is so fast-paced. Some children do experience learning with a more laid-back slower approach.
One of the advantages of homeschooling your children is that you can move forward when your child is ready. Whereas, if your student needs more repetition in a particular area, they can do that before moving ahead.
I do recommend Abeka for reading. It helps them have a well-rounded understanding of phonics, thus creating children that are good readers.
If you are interested in this curriculum, please feel free to use my affiliate link below.
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Bob Jones
BOB JONES was another good program that I used in the early years. Bob Jones University has been around for a long time and its courses are based on a biblical worldview foundation. They offer programs k3-12th grade.
Like Abeka, BJU offers both textbooks and video courses. We have enjoyed both forms of learning. Their video curriculum brought a teacher into your home with teaching and lesson instructions.
The children knew what their lessons were, and it did help me out like an extra pair of hands in my classroom. The advantage of this was moms had the lessons prepared for them.
Although, while having some of these programs might be nice for some. It is not necessary for video programs for you to homeschool.
Especially in the younger grades, (that is what another mom told me when I was first starting out.)
If you are interested in this curriculum, please feel free to use my affiliate link below.
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MONARCH is the curriculum that we are currently using. We have used this program for years. Monarch is put out by AOP and is their online version of SOS (Switch on Schoolhouse) their software curriculum. It offers all the same options as the SOS product. Monarch is a computer-based curriculum all online. They offer subjects individually or you can purchase the complete set which includes Bible, History, Language, Math, and Science. The program does automatic grading, has daily work reports or you can print a report card for a semester. It has multimedia and learning activities made into the program.
We have had 6 children schooling at once. So, SOS and Monarch have been a good choice for us with several children to teach and lots of work to grade.
The advantage of using Monarch over SOS is just mostly preference.
Although, if you use SOS just back it up. If your computer crashes, you will still have your child’s work.
I like using Monarch because if you do have a problem with a computer. You can just change computers and keep working. All your work is online, and you won’t have to worry about backing it up.
Also, they offer family packages so that has helped save my family money.
Upon my research for information for another mom, I did not see the option to purchase Switched-On_SCHOOLHOUSE any longer.
The only option I saw was to purchase their online version (Monarch) of this program.
This is what I use for my children and I am very happy with it.
SWITCH ON SCHOOLHOUSE We were recommended this program when our oldest son was in school. He was diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia.
According to
Dysgraphia is a learning disability which involves an impaired ability to produce legible and automatic letter writing and often numeral writing, the latter of which may interfere with math. Dysgraphia is rooted in difficulty with storing and automatically retrieving letters and numerals.
According to
Dyslexic children and adults struggle to read fluently, spell words correctly and learn a second language, among other challenges. But these difficulties have no connection to their overall intelligence. In fact, dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in reading in an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader. While people with dyslexia are slow readers, they often, paradoxically, are very fast and creative thinkers with strong reasoning abilities.
Switch on School is a program put out by AOP publishing
AOP offers several homeschooling options for students. SOS is a computer-based curriculum via USB, and CD (if you can find the older versions). Like Monarch, they offer all the same subjects individually or you can purchase the complete set which includes Bible, History, Language, Math, and Science.
The program does automatic grading, runs reports, and has all the features of Monarch. It has multimedia and learning activities made into the program.
I have used this program for years and have been happy with it.
The advantage of the software is you can reuse the CDs for multiple kids. Therefore, saving money year after year because you don’t need to repurchase grades for each child.
Though remember to always back up schoolwork after completing it. I learned that the hard way after a computer died about a week or so into school.
If you are interested in this curriculum, please feel free to use my affiliate link below.
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LIFEPACS is another AOP product. I have enjoyed many of the AOP curriculums. LIFEPAC is a curriculum that is made up of small unit texts instead of one large textbook. It may contain 10 or more mini-books.
AOP says that LIFEPAC is based on the principle of mastery learning.
LIFEPAC workbooks were much like their software and online program counterparts just in print.
If your child prefers workbooks for learning instead of computers. This program might be a good fit for them.
If you are interested in this curriculum, please feel free to use my affiliate link below.
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Teaching Textbooks
TEACHING TEXTBOOKS is an online program geared only toward teaching math. My family currently uses this math curriculum.
It explains the concepts very well and my children have advanced in their learning with this math curriculum. My daughter who used another program before this year has gone on the 7th-grade Teaching Textbooks this year. She told me that since she started this program she enjoys math again.
That is a great review when a 12-year-old can be excited about math.
Teaching textbooks also does its own grading. This program starts in 3rd grade and goes into upper math. Including Algebra, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus.
Math is not a subject that I am great at.
I remember praying for God to help me. As a result, I found this program online.
My oldest son came up about 2 years in math after starting this program. I can’t say enough good things about Teaching Textbooks. I have other children who have enjoyed this program. There’s not much more than I could say.
MASTER BOOKS is a program that I did with my 2nd grader last year. It was a fun curriculum. Similarly, it is a biblical-based program that desires to help your child grow in Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
While I did not use this program long. I really enjoyed the Bible curriculum. It really caused your young students to really think about their relationship with God.
Also, the geography was very educational. It took you to many places that you may or may not ever go to in real life. The reason I tried this program was it was a very economical curriculum.
However, the only reason I didn’t do this program this year was I could start my youngest on the Monarch curriculum in 3rd grade.
Having several children schooling at the same, doing an online curriculum just works best for me.
If you are interested in this curriculum, please feel free to use my affiliate link below.
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source: https://www/
ACE has taken its curriculum and put it into small unit style books very much like LIFEPAC. They call them PACE books. Each level has 12 PACES in each subject. Pace’s books include Godly character building into each lesson. Each book is done at your own pace.
Ace provides an individualized, self-instructional, mastery-based program.
One of the advantages of the PACE curriculum. Rather than keeping a child back a grade. The child can advance ahead in a level even if they are on a lower level in another subject.
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If you are interested in this curriculum, please feel free to use my affiliate link below.
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Time 4 Learning was an online program that I did with my Lil guy when he was younger.
They have grades starting at PreK and go through to Highschool.
It was a fun program. However, I am not sure how the higher grades held up to other curriculums.
According to their website. Time 4 Learning has 3500 lessons for children of all ages to enjoy. Their program is flexible, and the children can work at their own pace. They offer various subjects according to the grade the child is in.
Feel free to try different curriculums and resources.
There are many curriculums on the market today and this is just some of the ones we have tried.
Have fun on your homeschooling journey. Do what works best for each child or family.
When I was in a homeschooling cover years ago, the principal of that private homeschool used to encourage me to use different forms of teaching. In other words, don’t be married to a workbook or curriculum.
Having a boxed curriculum does let you know the scope and sequence of what your child should be learning throughout the year.
Though let it be your guide. It’s ok to use more than one curriculum. As well as many resources that can be pulled together for a lesson.
I just loved Abeka for reading and phonics. Though Bob Jone’s math was an excellent choice for our family.
Shake it up and think out of the box when preparing for your homeschool adventure.
You and your child are a team and that makes for great learning and fun.
There are a lot of great curriculums and resources found at if you are currently researching resources and curriculums to buy, please feel free to use my affiliate link.