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Questions parents should be asking before homeschooling-15 Questions to get you started


Questions parents should be asking before homeschooling-15 Questions to get you started

Are you considering homeschooling next year, or maybe you’re planning to begin your journey to homeschooling in the second half of the school year?

Today’s blog is going to be about questions parents should ask before starting to homeschool. Things that have helped me since I started teaching my kids.

When my husband and I were looking into homeschooling, we didn’t know much about it or really didn’t know people that we could talk to about it.

Now that you are considering homeschooling, what is your next move?

Pulling your kids out of traditional school to homeschool or starting to homeschool for your kindergartener might seem kind of scary. I do know how you feel.

It’s a big step to take on the responsibility of teaching your children yourself. Well, at least that is how you might feel, or people may make you feel. I know how that can be as well.

Knowing you are the sole person that is going to educate your kids might make you overwhelmed or reconsider taking on this job as a mom.

Maybe you are thinking about how much time and work that goes into schooling your kids. Especially in the younger years when they are totally dependent on you for their learning.

Sure, it takes a lot of time and hard work. However, you get a sense of accomplishment teaching your children to read, write and spell, etc. Also, knowing they are being taught in the things that are important to you as a parent.

When your babies begin to crawl, walk, or whatever. You as the parent are so excited to see these miles stones in your kid’s life.

Homeschooling for the most part can be like teaching your babies these things.

You have fun helping your baby and toddlers with the skills. Also, as a mom-teacher, you get to share in the skills that your children will learn in other areas of their life.

Then there is the hug that you can give your child when they fall and get a boo-boo or that encouragement that you can give your tweens or teens when they need someone to talk to. Therefore, being there with your children whenever they need you and not just a few hours in the day when they get home can create a beautiful bond with your children.

I have enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom and homeschooling my kids. It really is a blessing that God has given me to be able to continue to share in my children’s lives in all things and even far as education goes.

However, while it’s wonderful to have these options. It’s good to ask questions and have answers when you embark on this road to learning with your kids.

Here are 15 questions to ask before starting your homeschooling program.

What are the pros and cons to homeschooling?

  1. There are many pros to homeschooling such as building strong relationships and being hands on in your child’s learning.

  2. Homeschooling gives you these benefits, along with other advantages such as choosing a Christian education.

  3. As parent-teacher you can choose what curriculum is best for your child.

You might like: 35 Reasons to Homeschool your kids

  1. The cons to homeschooling, are you’re completely responsible for your child’s education. It takes commitment and time for homeschooling.

  2. You must teach different subjects that you might not be comfortable with.

  3. No matter how frugal your family is. There is always some expense to homeschooling.

  4. Majority of learning is taking place from home. So, if you work, you will need to plan your work schedule around school or school schedule around work, for teaching your children if they are still young. If they are old enough to stay at home. Lessons could be taught and given in advance if you need to continue working.

  5. Sometimes you lose one income to go full time into homeschooling

How to get started homeschooling?

How to get started homeschooling varies in different states and have different laws. Here is a post to help you begin your home education.

How much does it cost to homeschool?

The cost of doing homeschooling with your kids depends on what kind of curriculum you use. There are a lot of free resources available to homeschoolers online. Using the library is also a good free resource available to parents and kids.

A post you might like: Free or cheap ways to home school

Though, there are many curriculums to choose from today. Homeschoolers do not lack options in what kind of program to get. There are many companies that offer curriculums for each learning style. If you want books, computers, or online classes. There is something available for everyone.

Here are some posts on different curriculums and resources (just to name a few) that are options for homeschool families. You can try out a program. If that doesn’t work for your child, you always have choices and can change to something that helps your child better.

What Kind Of Curriculum Is Best For My Homeschool Student?

There are many options out there today for homeschooling families. If you prefer traditional textbooks, the sky is the limit. If your child is into computers, there are different options available for that kind of learning.

Read my post below about curriculum choices.

Is homeschooling safer than traditional schooling?

If you google this one. It depends on what side of the fence you are on. While there are some families that are not truly homeschooling or maybe their kids aren’t safe. However, most of the time I feel like the resounding answer is children are safer at home with a loving family. At home, families can build strong safe family units.

In traditional school settings, you can watch the news and see where school safety is, just by what happens within the schools. While there are a lot of wonderful teachers out there, I still feel like no one is going to love, teach and build of your children like you will. When you take God out of the equation, it just brings chaos. Homeschooling can bring kids the stability they need by educating them and grounding them in God. Therefore, that brings safety in so many ways.

How many hours a day is required to home school? / Do you need a certain number of days a year for homeschooling?

How many hours a day or how many days a year required for school instruction depends on the state that you are in. Depending on the where you live, some states require 180 days, and some do not have a certain number of days. Some states require such as 5 hours a day and some have no requirement. Though, having a certain amount of time to school with your children is important to have time for different subjects. However, just remember, we as homeschool families are always learning all the time. Checking with the is a good place to go to for your state’s requirements.

Do you need to have a teaching certificate to home school?

As of my research on this subject, I could not find any state that required a teaching certificate. There are some states that require a parent to have a diploma or GED. However, not all states require that. Again, check with They are always a good place to go for researching homeschooling laws where you live.

Do homeschoolers have to keep the same school schedule as their peers?

Homeschoolers do not have to keep traditional school hours. One of the beauties of homeschooling, is being able to have a flexible schedule that works for you and your family. If your schedule needs, you to start classes at 12:00 p.m. you can do that. If you need a 4-day work schedule, that is ok too. Homeschooling can be done at any time that works for you and your children. Make it fun, learning can happen at anytime. On vacation, at the park, and at the grocery store. Let your child’s imagination help them learn. However, don’t be set on a certain time for teaching. After all, God told us about teaching our kids about his laws:

Deuteronomy 6:7

“And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”

Homeschooling is very much like that. We are not married to certain school hours because learning can and should occur anytime that the occasion arises.

How do I teach multiple students at the same time?

When you teaching your kids at home. You might be wondering how to teach each child when they are in different grades. There are ways to be able to help each kid. When I started out schooling. I only had 2 kids. Homeschooling was fairly easy. You can always occupy a toddler with puzzles, games or special toys as an example.

When you have everyone in school. There are unit studies that you can do. You can gather kids together and teach the same subject or topic. The unit studies then can be used to go deeper with the older kids.

I have done books and I have done computer curriculums. When I had 8 children. Computer curriculums such as (Monarch) helps me out as teacher-mom.

It gives assignments, quizzes and tests.

Also, you can map out your day to schedule time in with each child. I prefer the block schedule instead of a schedule by hour. You always must be flexible. Like if your friend drops by or you need to take your child to the dr. like I did yesterday. The thing about blocks schedules is the younger children might have one on one time in your morning block and older students may have an after block while younger children are napping or have quiet time. Either way, as mom you will feel it out and find what works best for your family.

Should high school students get a homeschool education?

When it comes to homeschooling. High schoolers perform well in homeschool as their younger counterparts. There are many options for high schoolers, such as electives, working jobs, and a business with flexibility as well as options for college. This brings us to our next question.

How do homeschoolers get into college?

When it comes to college. Homeschool students have as many options as public school students. Some students enter colleges taking the SATS. While homeschoolers can complete all high school in homeschool. My husband and I chose the GED route. I have 8 kids and 4 have completed their GED’S. My oldest son went to college and got a 2-year degree in carpentry. My daughter got married and wasn’t interested in college. My 2nd son is currently in college for a Computer Science Degree and my 3rd son is interested in being an electrical lineman.

With colleges, some have a special homeschool department for obviously homeschooled students. Nevertheless, my sons have not had any issues getting into college. Therefore, homeschoolers can go to college without having a traditional education.

Are there electives that my homeschool student can take?

There are electives that homeschool students can take. There are several options that kids can take online. Some paid programs and some free resources. There are book or USB options, such as Abeka Books or Monarch offer electives. Also, depending on where you are homeschooling. Some public schools will allow homeschoolers to do things such activities such as sports at the schools.

Are there online school choices that you can still homeschool through?

There are several choices to homeschool while using an online school. Such as Ignite Christian Academy which offers general courses as well as online electives. They have qualified teachers for your students and this school offers credited classes. There are many online programs to choose from if you would rather have someone on the sidelines to help you in your home education.

Will my child have problems socializing while homeschooling?

Will homeschool kids have trouble or problems socializing seems to be a big one when asking questions about homeschooling. I can tell you with 8 kids. They never lacked social skills. However, if you don’t have a large family or maybe you only have 1 or 2 children co-ops are a good option.

There are always ways to have your children to be with other kids and peers around their age.

For my family, we are very big in church events. So, my kids are always around people somewhere or another.

Also, your kids can join a private umbrella school or a homeschool support group. In the early days when I only had 2 children and only 1 in school, support groups were very helpful for education for the parents as well as the kids.

The groups did Science fairs and History fairs, we did lots of field trips and park days. My kids grew up with some of those kids in the group. My children have never lacked social skills and some never meet a stranger.

Well, there you go. I hope this article will help you decide if homeschooling is something you want to try with your kids. Just remember, you may not think that teaching your kids is something you can do but with time you may wish could started earlier.

Well thanks for reading my blog. You as readers are important to me. If you have any other questions that I didn’t cover in this post. Please drop me a comment and I will try to help you.

Remember Sharing is Caring.

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