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As a homeschooling mom, I feel so blessed to be able to instruct my children at home. It is amazing to teach them how to read a phonemic sound and have them comprehend it. Or going through a math problem with them understanding how it works. That’s fantastic!

Knowing you are molding and shaping the future with this little person God has given you. Wow! We are so blessed, (yet it’s a great responsibility).

Now you may think that homeschooling, is around 180 days starting around August and going to somewhere around May. Since that is the typical school calendar year.

Though, your homeschool schedule does not have to follow a traditional calendar.

However, with the flexibility that home-schooling families have, they can tailor their school lessons to what is best for their schedule.

With these options, many families choose to homeschool all 12 months of the year. Now while that may seem like a lot of work, there are several reasons why families choose to follow this kind of schedule.


There are so many benefits to year-round homeschooling, but there are also a few downsides that you need to be aware of before making the switch. In this blog post, I’m going to share with you the pros and cons of year-round homeschooling so that you can make an informed decision for your family.

One of the biggest benefits of year-round homeschooling is that it allows you to take advantage of educational opportunities as they arise. For example, if you’re planning a family vacation to a historic site, you have the flexibility of adding this into your schedule.

You can also take advantage of discounted rates and off-peak times at local attractions.

Another benefit of year-round homeschooling is that it helps to prevent burnout. When you homeschool year-round, you can take breaks when needed and vary your schedule, as necessary. This can help to keep both you and your kids refreshed in your teaching and learning.

Also, another reason for homeschooling all year, would be a student can finish high school early and begin their college degree.


One downside of year-round homeschooling is that it can be harder to find a curriculum that matches your schedule. However, there are more and more resources becoming available for year-round homeschoolers.

One option is doing online curriculums such as Monarch. You can pay for a monthly plan or you have the option to pay yearly. Teaching Textbooks is an online math program that also provides a yearly option for completion.

Other people’s schedules can also be a deterrent to enrolling your children in school all year. If your spouse works in a job that offers time off, you may arrange your child’s class times around theirs. Furthermore, some parents choose to homeschool when traditional schooling would put them on the same timetable.


The number of weeks you homeschool out of the year is completely up to you and your family. There is no right or wrong answer. Some families choose to homeschool year-round, while others take a more traditional approach and only homeschool during the school year.

Ultimately, it’s important to do what works best for you and your family. There isn’t just one way to homeschool. Year-round homeschooling may be a great option for you, or it may not. The only way to know for sure is to try it and see how it goes. Who knows, you may just find that it’s the perfect fit for your family!


A year-round homeschooling schedule typically consists of taking breaks through the year instead of a traditional summer break. These breaks can be anywhere from a week to several weeks long and are often taken at holidays or other times when your family has a break in their routine.

Many families find that year-round homeschooling works well for their families because it allows them to take advantage of educational opportunities as they arise and prevents burnout.

If you’re considering year-round homeschooling, be sure to do your research and talk to other families who homeschool year-round to get a feel for what it’s like. It’s also important to find a curriculum that matches your schedule. Monarch and Teaching Textbooks are two great online curriculum options for year-round homeschoolers.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to homeschool year-round is a personal one that should be made by you and your family.

There is no right or wrong answer, so do what works best for you!


Now that you know the benefits and drawbacks of year-round homeschooling, you may be wondering how to make a homeschool schedule that works for your family.

Here are a few tips:

-Start by looking at your state’s homeschooling laws to see how many days/hours of instruction you’re required to provide.

-From there, decide how many days per week you want to homeschool. Many families find that three or four days per week works well.

-Then, create a schedule that allows for breaks throughout the year. Remember, you do not have to take a traditional summer break!

-Finally, be sure to leave some flexibility in your schedule so that you can take advantage of educational opportunities as they arise.

Creating a yearly homeschool schedule may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you can create a schedule that works well for your family and helps you meet your homeschooling goals. Happy planning!

Those are the benefits of planning your homeschooling for a year-round schedule. If homeschooling all year is right for you and your family, it will depend on your schedule, vacation, activities, and even how you plan to teach your children.

Just remember though, we are always teaching and learning daily with our kids. It doesn’t have to depend on just what is written on our planners. The learning can be fun and take place daily no matter where we are or what we are doing.

I hope this post gives you more insight into schooling yearly or doing a traditional school schedule.

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And be sure to check out our other articles on homeschooling for more helpful tips and advice. Thanks for reading!

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Luke 14:28

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